The desire to die in palliative care: Optimization of management (DEDIPOM)

German Version

Project management: Prof. Dr. Raymond Voltz, Dr. Kerstin Kremeike
Contact: Dr. Kerstin Kremeike, Carolin Rosendahl, Kathleen Boström
Duration: 05/2017 – 04/2020
Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Project Description

A desire to die (DD) is frequent in palliative care. However, uncertainty remains as to the appropriate therapeutic response. To support health practitioners' (HPs) reactions to a patient’s DD, a training program and a first draft of a semi-structured clinical interview schedule with prompts (CISP) has been developed. This research project aims at revising and finding consensus on the CISP. The CISP is then meant to be used in addressing death and dying and dealing with DD in everyday clinical practice. To this end, the CISP too will be tested and then evaluated in clinical practice.

The study comprises a three step study design: (1) revision of the CISP and consensus finding based on semi-structured interviews with patients and a Delphi process with (inter-)national experts, patient representatives and relatives; (2) increasing confidence in HPs through a 2 day training program using the consented CISP; (3). a formative quantitative evaluation of conversations between HPs and patients (at three time points) and a qualitative evaluation based on interview triads of patients, relatives and HPs. The evaluation of conversations will include patient-oriented outcomes, including perceived relationships with HPs and death and dying distress.

Those interventions aim at providing a framework for open conversation and should strengthen the relationship between HPs and patients so that even difficult subjects can be discussed. Overall, the quality of life of patients with DD as well as the conversation skills and action taking of HPs should thus increase in relevant ways.

Information on Training and Research Project: Dealing with Desire to Die

Priv.-Doz. Dr. rer. medic.--Kremeike-Kerstin
Priv.-Doz. Dr. rer. medic. Kerstin Kremeike

Working group leader

Dealing with Desire to Die in Palliative Care, Dying in hospital - Optimization of care in the dying phase (StiK-OV), Implementation and Evaluation of an Online Platform for Research Data in the Rhineland Region regarding Health Services Research in the Last Year of Life (CoRe-WEB)

Qualifications and professional experience
since 01/2016Research associate, Department of Palliative Medicine, University Hospital of Cologne
09/2015Examination on doctoral thesis, Institute for Health Systems Research, Witten/Herdecke University, Subject: Structural, process and result quality in pediatric palliative home care
04/2015 - 12/2018additional training in communication psychology
2009/2010/2011Quality Representative/ Quality Manager/ Quality Auditor (TÜV academy)
09/2008 - 04/2017Research associate, Network on severely ill children and adolescents, Hannover
04/2005 - 05/2006Student research assistant at the EU-India Economic Cross Cultural Programme - Project: “Strengthening Micro Health Insurance for the Poor in India”; Diploma thesis on chronic illness in India
04/2003 - 08/2008Academic studies at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, University Cologne; Diploma in Political Sciences
04/2002 - 03/2003Scholarship by InWEnt - Capacity Building International, Education in development policy; Project on therapy of polio in West Africa
01/2001 - 03/2008Physiotherapist in several practices in Cologne
11/1997 - 10/2000Physiotherapy School, Orthopedic Clinic Hessisch Lichtenau, Licensed Physiotherapist
Research Focus
Desire to die in palliative patients; general and specialist, inpatient and outpatient (pediatric) palliative care; implementation and evaluation of supply structures
Module Qualitative Methods, Bachelor Program in Interprofessional Health Care, Heidelberg University Hospital
Seminar on Qualitative data analysis (QDA) and the use of QDA Software, Master Program in Health Services Research and Implementation Science in Health Systems, Heidelberg University Hospital
Seminar on Research Processes in Medical Sociology, Model Medical Education Program, University of Cologne
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Palliativmedizin (DGP)
Deutsches Netzwerk Versorgungsforschung (DNVF)

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Kathleen Boström, M. Sc.

Research Associate

Dealing with Desire to Die in Palliative Care

Qualifications and professional experience
Since 2019Research Associate at the Department of Palliative Medicine
2015 - 2019 Research assistant at the Department of Palliative Medicine
2012 - 2019Studied Psychology
Research Focus
Wish to Hasten Death, Communication, Health Care Research
Completed projects
Palliative Care und schwere Demenz – Implementierung einer Arbeitshilfe zum Erkennen und zur Befriedigung der Bedürfnisse von Menschen mit schwerer Demenz in der Versorgungspraxis der ambulanten und stationären Altenhilfe mit dem Ziel einer bedürfnisgerechten Versorgung

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