
German Version

Worldwide, over 40 million people are estimated to require palliative care at the end of life every year (WHO 2018), due also to the aging, aging-associated diseases, and demographic change, so there is a growing and urgent need for robust and relevant research in palliative and end of life care. 

The main aims of our Research Program are:

  1. To increase scientific evidence for better care and health services for patients in their last months of life and their relatives independent from their diagnoses
  2. To increase our basic understanding of clinically relevant phenomena in palliative care 
  3. To improve societal competency regarding dying, death and bereavement
  4. And by this: To prove the principle that clinically high relevant palliative and hospice care must continuously be improved by academic endeavors.

Ethically acceptable research in this field must consider

  1. the existential situation for patients, relatives and staff
  2. the decreasing body and cognitive function of patients
  3. our complex and fragmented health care system
  4. the necessity of a multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary approach

Our research collaboration partners are

  1. within the Faculty of Medicine (e.g. Clinical Trail Centre Cologne (ZKS), Institute of Medical Statistics and Computational Biology (IMSB))
  2. within the University of Cologne (e.g. RFA Health Services Research, Center for Health Services Research Cologne (ZVFK), the faculties of Human Sciences; and Management, Economics, and Social Sciences)
  3. within the City of Cologne (e.g. CoRe-Net, City, AOK, Palliative and hospice network)
  4. national (e.g. CIO ABCD, other Departments of Palliative Medicine) and
  5. international (e.g. Best Care of the Dying Collaborative, Dyspnea Society, Princess Margaret Cancer Center Toronto, Public Health Palliative Care International, WeCare: End of Life Care Chair Barcelona, iLive-Project​​​​​​​, Better-B-ProjectCicley Saunders Institute King’s College London)

Our research is or has been funded by e.g. the Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF), the Federal Ministry for Families, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ), the Innovationsfonds, Gemeinnützige Hertie-Stiftung, Wilhelm Sander Stiftung, and EU programs such as Horizon 2020

Our efforts for research capacity building and academic staff development are

  1. Continuous method improvement (e.g. research workshops on methods (Forschungswerkstatt)
  2. graduate schools (e.g. GROW)
  3. different training programs for staff and public (e.g., “Palliativ&”, KöGö, EUPCA). 

Our research is coordinated by our research coordinator. 

Our current research groups are working on:

  1. End of Life
  2. Symptom Control
  3. Neuro-palliative Care
  4. Other Projects


Please contact our research coordinator if you have any questions about doctoral theses or project cooperations:

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dr.--Strupp-Julia
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dr. Julia Strupp

Head of research group "Health Sevices Research and Palliative Care", Research Coordinator

Publications (PubMed)

Qualifications and professional experience
2021Habilitation in Health Services Research and Palliative Care
Since 07/2013Research Coordinator at the Department of Palliative Medicine, University of Cologne
2015Doctoral Thesis (Dr. rer. medic.) - Validation of the German Version of the Schedule of Attitudes towards Hastened Death (SAHD-D) (Prof. Dr. Raymond Voltz, Medical Faculty of the University of Cologne)
2011Doctoral Thesis (Dr. paed.) - Successful aging of people with physical disabilities and the sense of coherence as a resource in the aging process (Prof. Dr. Mathilde Niehaus, Faculty of Human Sciences / University of Cologne)
2009 - 2013Research Associate at the Department of Palliative Medicine, University of Cologne
2005 - 2009Research Associate at the Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (GESIS) at the Center of Excellence Women and Science (CEWS)
2004Magistra Artium (M.A.)
1999 - 2004Social and Behavioral Sciences (University of Hagen)
1999 - 2005Division of Disability Services, Family Supportive Services, Diakonie Bonn

Research Focus

Health Services Research, last year of life, desire to hasten death, palliative care integration for neurological patients (early integration, unmet needs); patient-centered care, value-based healthcare.


  • Competence Field: Death, Dying and Bereavement (Lecture)
  • “Methods of Empirical Social Research, Text Analysis and Counselling and Intervention" (Master Gender & Queer Studies)
  • Medical Sociology (Research Processes in Medical Sociology), Seminar
  • Lecture series Research Track
  • Health Technology Assesment / Health Economics


Member of the Consilium for junior researchers at the University of Cologne (Representative for the Medical Faculty)
Member of the Research Working Group (AG Forschung) of the German Association of Palliative Medicine (DGP)
Steering Board Member CoReNet (Cologne Research and Development Network)

Completed projects

Last Year of Life Study Cologne (LYOL-C)
Validation of the German version of the Schedule of Attitudes toward Hastened Death (DKH funded)
Impact of a case management model on the specialised palliative care multi-professional team (DKH funded)
Palliative Care for severely affected MS patients: a Delphi survey of healthcare professionals (DMSG)
Multiple Sclerosis and Palliative Care: Assessing Unmet Needs“ (Gemeinnützige Hertie-Stiftung)
Views on life of palliative care patients (DKH)
Advance Directive and Health Care Proxy – Strengthening cancer patient autonomy by improving surrogate decision making (CIO)

Other activities

Reviewer for e.g., “Palliative Medicine”, “Journal of Palliative Medicine”, “European Journal of Public Health”, “Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin”, “PLOS One”, “Social Work in Health Care”, “Psycho-Oncology”

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"Kölner Forschungswerkstatt"

Researchers from the Centre for Palliative Medicine at the University of Cologne meet in the research workshop to work together on their data material. The meetings for the evaluation of qualitative and quantitative data take place every six weeks.

Contact: Dr. Dr. Julia Strupp (