School project dealing with dying, death and bereavement

German Version

Project leader: Prof. Dr. Raymond Voltz
Contact: Nicole Nolden, Kirsten Fay
Duration: 11/2018 - 12/2019; 04/2015 - 03/2017
Funding institution: German Hospice and Palliative Association (DHPV) and the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ)

Project Description

In 2009, the Departement of Palliative Medicine developed a school project class for young pupils in order to offer them the opportunity, within a protected framework, to deal preventively with the topics of "dying and death", "mourning" and "suicide" among their peers. 
Adolescents are encouraged to meet their own difficulties and needs with good self-care and at the same time to get involved in dealing with those affected without fear. They get to know the help offered by palliative medicine and hospice work for patients.

With the support of the German Hospice and Palliative Association and the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, project teaching was evaluated, discussed and constantly developed further. 
Meanwhile, the experienced project leaders, Kirsten Fay and Nicole Nolden, offer nationwide a two-day multiplier training for teachers of all school types and for hospice employees, in order to carry out the project lessons together as a team in the schools. It is a varied and creative programme with the additional modules "crisis intervention", "suicide" and "dealing with grieving pupils".

The next multiplier seminar will take place on 21/22 August 2020 at the Dr. Mildred Scheel Academy.

Nicole Nolden

Sterbebegleiterin, Dozentin, Diplomkauffrau, Psychologische Beraterin IAPP, Trauerbegleiterin BVT, Autorin sowie Gründungsmitglied und langjährige Erfahrung als Pädagogische Leiterin von „TrauBe Köln e. V. - TrauerBegleitung für Kinder, Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene“


Kirsten Fay

Sterbebegleiterin, Dozentin, Trauerbegleiterin BVT, Autorin sowie Gründungsmitglied und langjährige Erfahrung als stellvertretende Pädagogische Leiterin bei „TrauBe Köln e.V."
